Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"The Extreme reality of Extreme Couponing"

Hey Trimmers,

I have been hearing so many positive but mostly negative comments (from fellow couponers) about TLC's new reality TV show "Extreme Couponing", and I just wanted to express myself on how I can relate as a new up and coming Super Couponer. I don't consider myself an 'Extreme Couponer' because I rarely take my shopping to the extremes like the reality show on TLC. I shop within my means for my family and if I happen to stumble upon a few FREE items I will come back for more to stock up.

A lot of 'reality' TV show viewers honestly believe that the Couponers on "Extreme Couponing are indeed getting away with these deals every time they enter a store, WRONG!!! Let me tell you some truths about this reality show!!!

Today I was reading a article in The Orlando Sentinel from my Sunday's paper and I grabbed my favorite Coupon article from writer Jill Cataldo's newest print. Her article also stating some reality behind the TLC show was eye opening to me. Here are some main scenarios in her article I want to share with you:
                 "In the season premiere, a shopper told her goal to feed a bargain-priced lunch to her church's parishioners. She purchased 60 bags of salad and 100 boxes of pasta that were on sale for $1 each. She used 50-cent coupons that the store doubled in value to $1, so she took home all the items FREE.
The problem is, the store featured in this episode doesn't double coupons. At least, not for anyone else.
As soon as the episode aired, coupon savings forums lit up with comments from shoppers familiar with Bello's Market, the family-owned grocery store in Erie, Pa. where the segment was filmed. These shoppers shared the same outrage: 'Hey, that store doesn't double coupons!'"
So the point of this segment was that this family-owned grocery store that was aired on national television does not honor double coupons and had only done so for promotional purposes of the reality TV show "Extreme Couponing". I am in no way shape or form faulting this business for anything just trying to prove a point that Extreme Couponing isn't as extreme as the reality television world makes it out to be.

Another statement from Ms. Cataldo I would like to share is a moral of the story and sum everything up into one.
          "This season, just as in the last, viewers are noticing that shoppers on the show appear to misuse coupons. Using coupons for one product to buy a completely different one is fraud. Most store do not allow shoppers to get away with the dishonest practice. But, when the cameras roll, many stores that participate on the show appear to turn a blind eye, pushing these coupons through so that the shopper can "save" even more money.
    When store acknowledge that they, too, bend and break rules in order to enhance the made-for-TV illusion of remarkable savings, "Extreme Couponing" is about as far from reality as you can get. The truth is, the show undermines honest couponers and stores that play by the rules."

Now my fellow trimmers I enjoyed watching this show don't get me wrong, but its just to extreme for my liking. These shows need to give people more perspective of the hard work and effort it really does take in order to have an successful honest shopping trip following the rules and policies of the different companies who are coupon friendly. Couponing is really like a full time job saving income from going out by receiving the ultimately best savings possible. By making this possible you have to know your regional stores coupon policy, understand there rules, monitor the weekly ads for the best savings and last but not least finding, matching and cutting the COUPONS. I can say this please don't be afraid of all that I said above. These things are what I and many other people do to receive our maximum savings, but just to check an ad and match it with an non expired coupon to save is a start and the best way to learn how easy couponing can become.

Hope you enjoyed my take on "Extreme Couponing", continue to watch for your entertainment but please understand the 'REALITY'.

Later Loves!!!

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