Thursday, September 1, 2011

Its National Coupon Month!!

Welcome to my Blog everyone its the first day of September 'National Coupon Month' has began, what better month to start a brand new blog, Right? First of all I wanted to start out letting my readers know that this is my personal blog random things can be posted and anytime I do plan to turn professional in the future but for now I'm just having fun sharing the things I enjoy. 

So I know your wondering how is it National Coupon month well, According to Coupon Month Facts - The first coupon was issued in 1894 by a druggist who had purchased the formula for Coca-Cola. He hand wrote his coupons for a free glass of Coca-Cola. The first actual grocery coupon was issued the following year by C.W. Post. It was for one cent off of Post Grape Nuts Cereal! Did you also know that 3 out of 4 (76%) of US Consumers use coupons? This adds up to nearly $3 Billion dollars saved annually!" 

         Alot of people feel like they don't have time to use coupons but you have time to work and make money at a job, Right. Well coupons are money if you look at how much they save you on your monthly purchases you will see how much of your actual cash you do save. Some reasons why coupons are so important to me:

#1 I can be a SAHM to my  2 1/2 year old son
(who could be a better baby sitter than a child's own mother) Shout outs to all my single mother's out there that do not have this option.
#2 I can provide my families desired assortment of healthy meals at a low cost.
#3 I can shop the way I want to and afford to keep my family fashionably dressed the way we love to dress!
#4 I can splurge new items my family enjoy without risking a hit financially.

These are plenty of logical ways that only take a couple hours a week to search for deals and coupons – so my family is better off financially. Plus its a very intriguing challenge and hobby, I am always learning new things about couponing and I am grateful that they exist!

           Later Loves!!!

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